Monday, January 18, 2010

The Home Stretch

Finally... we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This SHOULD be it - our last week of construction. Primer, moulding, interior doors, electricity, heat, flooring, plumbing - all should be done by this time next week. Man... it's going to be hard to hold my breath for that long.

I ran around taking progress pictures tonight- in the dark. The quality, therefore, is not the best, but I think you can get the gist.

Tile at new living room slider
Tile in new master bath
master bedroom (looking into bedroom area)

master bedroom (looking into seating area)

Don't try this at home...

Oh boy... I just heard my mother scream, "Oh my God!"
To be fair... he does climb ladders for a living.

This is totally unrelated, but I am fully aware of the fact that most people check the blog just to see pictures of the monkey. Here's our latest video - Nicholas the cook!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wow the house looks great at least what is left to do is not as messy. I think the little cook needs a few eggs and some oil. Hang in there!