Thursday, June 25, 2009

Computer Disaster!

Remember when I said in my last post that Nicholas was into everything? Well, the other day, he was sitting on my lap at the computer table and proceeded to grab a nearby cup and spill coffee all over the laptop keyboard. At first it seemed like no big deal, but as the day progressed, things began to go south. So, our computer is now being shipped to Godknowswhere to be "fixed." We'll see...

The word is that we will be without the computer for about 3 weeks. (Gasp!) So, I may not be able to do much blogging during that time, at least not with any pictures, and really... that's the best part. We do have a beautiful 8 month picture to post, but I guess it will have to wait.

All is well with the little guy. We are all sick and tired of the rain and are looking forward to some real summertime weather soon.

Keep your fingers crossed for a speedy and inexpensive remedy to our computer disaster!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lots of Changes

It's hard to believe that we're looking at Nicholas's 8 month birthday this week. But, then again, when I look at him, I can't believe how much he has grown and changed, even in just the past few weeks! I swear his legs get a little longer every day, and he is starting to figure a lot of things out. He is into absolutely everything, and is on the go pretty much all of the time. Even changing his diaper has become a challenge because he won't stay still! The teacher in me is holding my breath...

The latest on the tooth front is that there is no latest. We just cannot believe that there are no teeth poking through those little gums yet. He continues to drool like a faucet, and at times, is very uncomfortable, but nothing yet! He has, however, been experimenting with talking lately. All of a sudden, there are all these new sounds coming out. We're pretty sure he says hi, usually to the dog, or when he's trying to get your attention. And, lately, he's been saying, "Da da da da," over and over and over. It figures... I'm, of course, following it up with, "Ma ma ma ma," but all I get is a blank stare. I'm not giving up, though!

Another new experience this week was with food. Although we got the OK for meats a while ago, the thought of feeding him meat from a jar just totally grossed me out. So, last night I made him some homemade chicken noodle soup and ground it up in the food processor. He seemed to really like it! Of course, you can only get chicken so mushy. There were still some solid pieces in there, and he wasn't sure what to do with them at first, but overall, I'd say his first experience with meats was a success!

Hope you enjoy some of our latest pics - check out the orange Crocs!! Tee hee!

Monday, June 8, 2009

My Busy Weekend

This weekend was a very special one for Nicholas because it was his first DeBisschop Family Picnic! This is something the family does every summer. It has become a very special tradition, and is always so much fun. This year's theme was "decades," and we were asked to dress for any decade, 50's through the 80's. Well... after much thought, we decided to dress as characters from The Dukes of Hazzard. Well, we didn't actually dress as them, but made t-shirts with the characters' pictures on them with our names on the back. I was Daisy (and no... there were no short shorts involved...please), Todd went as Cooter the mechanic (go figure), and Nicholas was Boss Hog - complete with oversized white cowboy hat (which he refused to wear) and stuffed turkey leg. It was pretty funny.

The costumes were great all around. My mom and dad went as Sonny and Cher - but guess who was Cher? I'd post a picture, but... I wouldn't want to ruin anyone's chances of a future career in politics. Let's just say, we had a lot of laughs!

The most exciting part, though, was that my cousins Sue and Doug were in the hospital getting ready to have their little one the day of the picnic! Jacob James DeBisschop was born Sunday morning, just after midnight. We can't wait to see him at next year's picnic!

Needless to say, we were very busy all day with all the action. Nicholas and Jenna spent lots of time rolling around together, and even napped together at one point. They're going to have to build up their stamina if they're going to make it in this family!

Next year, the picnic is at our house, so we're already planning our theme! It's hard to believe the little ones will be running around the backyard next summer. I'm just trying to soak up every minute I have with Nicholas. He's changing and growing so fast, I feel like if I blink, I might miss something! Todd and I feel like the luckiest people in the world to have Nicholas. He has changed everything - and we wouldn't want it any other way!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our Little Guy is Growing Up!

It's so amazing how quickly this kid is growing and changing. I feel like he's learning to do something new every day! And that includes sitting up on his own. Of course, he hasn't mastered protecting his head when he falls, but Rome wasn't built in a day afterall. He's also spending much more time on his tummy, which is a relief because he absolutely hated it a few months ago! He's even rolling onto his stomach to sleep at times.

We've been having a great time enjoying the spring weather, and even had a playdate will Jenna this week. The two of them swinging on the swings was hilarious! It's so fun getting the kids together now because they're finally starting to notice and pay attention to one another. I can't wait to see them actually playing together sometime soon.

Nicholas's favorite new thing is his walker. He can tool around the kitchen like a pro now. Unfortunately for us though, that thing is a killer on bare toes when he runs you over! Youch! Check him out for yourself!!