Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What a day! Nicholas and I enjoyed this beautiful fall day and spent lots of time outside. We even carved our pumpkin outside! Nicholas was a great help. He is a GREAT pumpkin carver! Where were those handy pumpkin carving tools when we were kids anyway? I could let him saw away at the pumpkin and never worried about him losing a finger. It was great.

Nicholas dressed up as a lobster for Halloween this year. Throughout the week, we kept having him put his costume on just to get used to it. And he really wasn't crazy about wearing it so we didn't have high hopes for trick-or-treating. To our surprise, he was great! He kept his costume on the whole time, and LOVED standing in the lobster pot. If only he would've stood still for 2 seconds for us to get some good pictures!

The plan was to come home from our parents' and hit a few houses on our street with our neighbors, but he just didn't make it. He was completely pooped, so a warm tubby and PJ's won out. I swear if his blanket sleepers fit me... I'd be wearing one and sleeping next to him in his crib right now. Halloween is absolutely one of my favorite holidays... it always has been. But honestly, I'm SO glad it only comes once a year.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Tigua!

On Monday, another important member of our family celebrated a birthday. Todd and I brought Antigua home on New Year's Eve 12 years ago, when he was only about 8 weeks old. He was the most beautiful puppy I had ever seen, and we fell madly in love with him... instantly. I had dreamed of owning a dog since I was a little girl, and one thing's for sure - he was worth the wait.

Tigua is a real member of this family. And he has had a lot to get used to over the past 2 years. He happily accepts the pulling of the ears, pokes in the eyes, and playful, but blood curdling screams. The good part is... all of that also comes with lots of hugs, kisses, and the fact that Nicholas can't resist sharing the food off of his tray every chance he gets.

Happy Birthday, old man. You really are man's best friend.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our 2-Year-Old

October 2008

October 2010

I can't believe that the tiny 5 pound preemie that once fit in our hands, is now a two-year-old. This weekend, we celebrated the monkey's birthday with our families. He was so great - playing with the kids, opening all of his presents, blowing out his candles, and eating his Elmo birthday cupcakes. We are so proud of him, and fall more and more in love with him every day.

This weekend... we tackle the "kids'" party. Bring it on. I swear, I could watch this kid celebrate his birthday every day. He's the center of the universe every day around here anyway. Why not add balloons and cake??!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Fun Fall Weekend!

What a weekend! We have been so busy the past few days. And the best part is... we still have one day left! This is my first Columbus Day off in 7 years, so I plan to make the most of it.

On Saturday, we had a playdate with Jenna. We walked down to the Apple Harvest Festival and proceeded to pig out on all sorts of fried fair food. Hey, when in Rome... Anyway, we also put the kids on some rides. This was Nicholas's first time on any kind of ride, so I wasn't sure how he'd react. Afterall, he freaked out when we passed the giant cow going around shaking people's hands. Well... turns out he's afraid of cows, but not spinning amusement park rides! He flew down that super slide and begged for more. We also went on some spinning teddy bear thing with Jenna and Debbie, and although my stomach was in my throat, Nicholas and Jenna were smiling and laughing the whole time. Go figure.

On Sunday, we went apple and pumpkin picking with the Cutlers. He had so much fun with his cousins, and they were so good with him - carrying him through the pumpkin patch and helping him choose the perfect apples and pumpkins. This is definitely one of my favorite family traditions. Last year, Todd was carrying Nicholas around in a backpack through the pumpkin patch. Honestly, he didn't even know what the heck we were up to last year. This year, he was tearing across the field yelling "Whoa! Pumpkins! This one's heavy!" It's amazing how much can change in a year.

Nicholas chose a tiny green pumpkin, and Todd chose a 29 pounder - my arms were actually numb by the time we came to the weighing stand. It will definitely make a great jack-o-lantern. Last year, Tyler won the prize for heaviest pumpkin. This year, he won the prize for most unique. His pumpkin looked exactly like a giant green and orange strawberry! It was definitely the kookiest pumpkin I've ever seen!

Fall has always been my favorite season. And it just keeps getting better every year!