Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is It Spring Yet????

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Truthfully, there hasn't been much to say. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I've ABSOLUTELY HAD IT with winter!!!! We've been snowed in a lot and spending way too much time playing in the house. Our big thrill for the day has been going to Target, for goodness sake. I swear I'd give my right arm for a long walk with Nicholas in the wagon. Seeing how the mounds of snow and icy sidewalks will probably be here 'till May, it could be a while...

But on the positive side - Nicholas is totally hilarious and keeping life interesting as usual. He is talking non-stop lately and blowing us away with his vocabulary. The other day I was stopped at a red light and someone was honking their horn. The next thing I hear is a loud, "Lady... GO!" coming from the backseat. Oh great... a backseat driver in the making. Yesterday, he busted out the ENTIRE alphabet. I've never heard so much as an ABC come out of his mouth! Apparently he's been holding out on us. He's still on his Elmo kick - we made the mistake of getting a couple of Elmo DVDs and now we have to sit through these things a couple of times a day. Good grief - you know you're in trouble when you find yourself singing Elmo tunes in the shower.

Next week is February break for me. What are the chances we'll have a day in the 40's so we can get that walk in??!! Keeping my fingers crossed.