Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My First Visit To Maine

Well... it's official. Nicholas loves Maine just as much as we do! It was his first time away from home for any length of time, so we weren't sure how he'd handle it, but there was absolutely no need to worry- he was a perfect angel! He slept through the entire car ride both there and back, which was great. Antigua, however, was a little squished because of the carseat, so he rested his head on Nicholas's lap for most of the trip. It was so sweet.
We had such a great week showing him around and introducing him to all of our favorite people and places. He finally got to meet his Auntie Jill, and we walked him through Linda's garden. We took a few rides on Papa's boat, and he got to wear his new sunglasses and life jacket for the first time. He spent some time with Daddy in the hammock, and even experienced his first lobster dinner! (Maybe next year, he'll actually get to eat some!)

We must have taken a hundred pictures while we were there, but these are a few of our favorites. Even though he's too young to say so, we think that Nicholas loved his first trip to Maine. Hopefully he will make lots of special memories there, just like his Mom and Dad have!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!!

Sorry it's been such a long time since our last post, but we have been so busy! Nicholas is seriously on the move, and wants no part of being still. He can roll all the way across the room and gets frustrated when he bumps into something. He has also mastered his walker, and already figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets. Needless to say, we have our hands full here!

It's hard to believe that he's seven months old already. Time is absolutely flying by, and I swear he looks bigger every morning when we take him out of his crib. It seems that over the past month or so, he has become so much more mature. He is so busy, and interested in EVERYTHING around him. His little personality is really showing now! Look out, world, here comes Nicholas!!!!