Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I can't believe it's time to go back already. (Sigh.......) This year, I decided to write my end-of-summer blog post the night before "New Year's Eve" so I can actually see the screen when I'm typing. Last year, I was a complete blubbering idiot and nearly shorted out the laptop! I can't help it - this time of year forces me to look back at how much has changed over the past year, all the while looking ahead and wondering about how much more will change in the year ahead. It's hard not to become emotional.

Although there are no tears tonight, I can feel the emotions creeping into everything I'm doing. Everything Nicholas says seems just a little bit funnier, I find myself looking at him more often and marveling at how beautiful he is, and my hugs are lasting just a little bit longer now.

What a summer we've had. I cannot believe how much he has grown - physically and otherwise. Maybe it's the cute little undies he's sporting now, but those skinny little legs seem to go on forever! He is so tall, and so incredibly handsome. He is certainly not a baby anymore, although in my eyes... he'll always be that little 5 lb bundle I held in my arms.

And the things that are coming out of his mouth are priceless! I realize that I haven't been great about blogging this summer, but I have been keeping a list of hysterical things he's been saying lately. Some of them are obviously things he's heard from us (some we are proud to admit, others... not so much.) Other things he says are just classic 2-year-old hilarity. I made a list below of some of my favorites. To all of my fellow teachers out there...hold on tight. Here we go again!

Kids Say The Darndest Things... Summer 2011
  • "I need to check my email."
  • "I don't like clowns. They're really creepy."
  • "I'm a construction man. I work in the dirt."
  • "I'm into nuggets, y'all!"
  • "Mom, I wanna rock out!"
  • "I like this juice. It makes me healthy."
  • Kristin: "Nicholas, don't let go of your balloon!" Nicholas: "It's OK. An airplane can get it and bring it back to me."
  • "Let's jam!"
  • "That wasn't a toot, Mom. I'm just making my butt talk."
  • Kristin: "Nicholas, do you have to use the potty?" Nicholas: "No. I'm doing the salsa."
  • "Mommy, I don't feel good. I think I have to go to the dentist."
  • "Touch my boobs! Touch 'em!"

We are so proud... :)