Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Let the mess begin!!!!! We have started preparing the house for the addition, which is both exciting and scary at the same time. I know we'll love it when it's done, but we'll have to live with the mess for a while I guess. We started small - by pulling out some carpeting and packing away some "stuff" in the living room. Check it out!

Living Room Before

Living Room After

We also had one tree removed from the side yard so the trucks can get to the back. I made a really cool movie of it, but I'm having trouble uploading it to YouTube. It's giving me grief about the music in the background - darn those copywrite laws!

Tree Before

Tree Removal

Bye Bye Tree!

Nicholas has been having a great time lately - he had his first visit to the beach the other day. I took him to the CT shore to my friend Kerry's house. He LOVED the water - the salt surprisingly didn't bother him. He wasn't sure quite what to make of the sand, however. He kept plunging his hands into the sand, and just as quickly as I could clean him up, he was right back in there. I figure he must have eaten about a teaspoon of it. Oh well!!

He's also learned how to feed himself his puffs recently, which is so darn cute I can hardly stand it. It's amazing to me how grown up he seems lately. I wish he would slow down already...

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