Sunday, August 2, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Nicholas has had a couple of very busy weeks! We've had a playdate with Jenna, a trip to Boston, and a trip to Maine. He's also working very hard on learning to walk. It seems he wants nothing to do with sitting these days. He's constantly grabbing for our hands so that we'll walk him around. And lately, he's relying on our help less and less. He can stand on his own now, if he's supported by the couch or coffee table. We're definitely close. It will certainly make things interesting I'm sure!

Nicholas is also getting close, we think, to saying his first word. We're pretty sure it will be "kitty." He absolutely loves the cats and lights up whenever they come into the room. He has started to say something that sounds like "kitty" consistently whenever he sees them. We'll see!He also started to clap his hands a few days ago, which may seem like a little thing to some people, but to us, it's very exciting!

Nicholas also has a new best buddy - Susanna! While we were in Maine, he was just fascinated by her and would squeal and blow rasberries every time he saw her. It was so cute!

We finally got a GREAT weather day in Maine - our first one of the season. So, we definitley took full advantage. Here are some pictures of our fun in the sun!

1 comment:

Jill said...

He gets sweeter every day.