Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7th?????

What a day. I must've said that at least a hundred times today. What a day! It's really hard to believe it's January 7th in Connecticut. At one point this afternoon, the thermometer read 72 degrees in the sun - awesome. We spent the whole morning at Camp Sloper. What a blast that place is. We hiked the trail around the lake and Nicholas saw his first swans - damn those are big birds! Nicholas also got to play with one of his Christmas gifts, which are these long balloons that you blow up with a pump, and they make this squealing noise when you let them go. I swear we ran a mile chasing those things all over the field! A former student's Dad actually invented this toy, and I have to say, it's a really cool toy!

The hit of the day though, was the super slide. It looks big, yes. But it's even cooler than it looks. It is SO fast! I went down first and screamed like little girl the whole time. When I got to the bottom, I told Todd that it was hard for me not to scream, and he just rolled his eyes... until he tried it. If only I had the video camera going when he went down the first time - totally hilarious. Perhaps you heard him from where you live?

When we got home, I told Nicholas it was time for lunch and he said, "Let's have a picnic outside, Mommy." So... we did! I can honestly say that I can't remember ever eating outside in January - let alone with nothing but a sweatshirt on. Today was a gift. And we enjoyed every minute of it. I'm hoping that tomorrow is a carbon copy. I know it can't last, but for now, I'll take whatever I can get!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

IT sure was a gift and I am so glad the three of you had such fun.