Thursday, January 29, 2009

A week of firsts!

What a busy week our little guy has had! As you can see here, he had his first real playdate with his cousin Jenna this week. They were so cute together, both in their jeans, and hopefully it was the first of many visits to come.

Another first occurred this week as well. When Debbie came over for the kids' playdate, she brought us this thing called The Miracle Blanket... and is it ever! Is it somewhat like a straight jacket? Yes. Does he love it anyway? YES!!! This thing wraps him up like a little mummy, and honestly, I put him in it and he was asleep in 2 minutes flat. We have been trying to get Nicholas to sleep in his crib, or even the Pack 'N Play for naps, but he'll have no part of it. We think it's because he feels too exposed, too free. So, I put him into the crib all wrapped up yesterday and he slept for 45 minutes in there! When I went in to check on him, he was happily looking up at his Wally the Green Monster mobile. This is definite progress.

And here comes the biggie, the motherload of all firsts. Drumroll please... Last night, Nicholas slept through the night!! Yahooooo!!!!!! I got my first good night's sleep in three months, one week, and 3 days. (But who's counting?) I woke him up at 10:30 last night to feed him, and the next thing I know it's 6:00AM! And, he even went back to sleep for another hour after that! I am so excited and hopeful that it wasn't just a fluke. Keep your fingers crossed!

Oh, and just so you know, this is Kristin writing - I have no idea how to change the "Posted by" label at the bottom of the page. Oh well!

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