Thursday, January 15, 2009

The lights are on and somebody's home!

Well... we have definitely reached an exciting milestone in Nicholas's life. Over the past few weeks, he has been making good eye contact, smiling and laughing! His first laugh came at his Auntie Paula's house. Apparently ceiling fans are hilarious to a threee month old. Ever since, he has been smiling and giggling every day. Check out the video and see for yourself!

Nicholas has also recently discovered his hands. He looks at his fists with crossed eyes and immediately puts them into his mouth. Go figure. So, now that we're getting into the "everything in the mouth" stage, I guess we'll have to become crazy about keeping everything clean. And that means keeping Tigua away from Nicholas's toys, which is already a challenge. Tigua thinks all toys are his, especially the ones that rattle! This could get interesting...

1 comment:

Michele said...

Second grade is sitting around staring at your beautiful baby while we should be working on staff development. Can't wait to see you at the shower and of course Nicholas!