Friday, October 31, 2008

Look at me I'm a moo cow!

I know I'm biased but I'm pretty sure we have the cutest kid on the planet! What a lump. This isn't the greatest picture but it's the best we could get. Kristin turned Nicholas into a giant moo cow for Halloween!

Not much new to report here. He's been getting much more alert and eating and eating, and eating......... Oh yea, he poops too. Tomorrow he's going to the doctors again to get the jaundice checked. He started looking like a banana again this morning so we just wanted to have him looked at. Other than that he is cool, content and figuring things out. Today he discovered he has feet while he was getting a diaper change. It was pretty funny to watch. He was screaming and crying and when he reached up and grabbed his foot curiosity took over.

We just found out out next door neighbor is 17 weeks preggers so Nicholas is going to have a little friend his age to play with. If we stay here they can get together and do yard work together while their daddy's have a beer on the deck!

So that's the exciting world of the Cutler's right now. He's being such a good baby I can't even believe it! Hopefully it stays that way.

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