Monday, September 20, 2010

Excuse Me... But Can You Spare a Square?!

Someday, this kid is going to kill me. Yes... I just posted a picture of him on the crapper. And yes... he's reading the newspaper ads. Just another one of the things he does that completely cracks us up lately. I swear, it never ends these days. He is absolutely hilarious.

Every once in a while, I get sad because I don't want him to grow up anymore. I don't want him to change. But everyone always says to me, "Every stage is fun." I think I'm starting to believe that's true. Yes... I miss the baby stage. Sometimes I see a tiny little baby and I want to burst into tears because I know that's over for us. But then he learns a new word or does something new, and I think... now this is my favorite stage. It's crazy.

And as far as the actual potty training goes... he is doing amazingly well for a kid that's not even two. How is it possible that two years ago... he wasn't even here?!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I vote for this picture for his high school yearbook.