Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome Spring!!

I know it's not quite spring yet, but it sure feels like it. It has been a long winter for Nicholas and I, and we couldn't be happier about the improving weather. We have been spending as much time as possible outside. We even checked out the swing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Funny thing about fresh air... it makes Nicholas very sleepy! He usually doesn't make it very long outside before falling asleep.

Everything in Nicholas's life is going well. He is continuing to try new foods, and so far, only the peas haven't made the cut. (I can't say I blame him, really.) He's even eating in his high chair, which, you will see in the video below, is a big hit! Even his head is improving. We have noticed a big difference in its shape over the past week or so. (Thank goodness!!) It's so amazing how fast he's growing. It seems he's doing something new everyday. I swear, before we know it, he'll be walking and talking! Sometimes I wish it would all just slow down.


Jill said...

VERY CUTE. I love to hear him laugh . He sounds and looks like a very happy boy.

Papa said...

Hi Nicholas. Your five month picture is adorable. Love you so much. You are so special. See you soon!! Papa

Nana said...

Not that I'm prejudice or anything, but our Prince is the most handsome boy on the planet!!!!
I love you......Nana