Whoa... I haven't blogged since Halloween??!! Yikes. I've been blogging in my mind at least once a week I swear! I guess my thoughts never made it to my computer. Whoops.

What a month! As I'm sure is the case with everyone this time of year, the past four weeks have been a complete whirlwind. I hate that. The best part about Christmas is the build up - the getting ready, but usually we spend it rushing around like maniacs and enjoying very little of it. I still say that we should have school vacation the week
before Christmas, not after. Oh well, just dreaming here...

Despite the chaos, we managed to have a great December. We cut down our Christmas tree and decorated the house with lots of lights, which Nicholas loved. We read the Polar Express about 100 times, ate a ton of cookies, and shopped 'till we dropped. I think Nicholas's favorite thing about December was rushing to the advent calendar each morning to see which ornament was waiting for him. This was cool for me too, because it was a big deal for me as a kid as well. I remember my sister and I taking turns each morning, and fighting over who would get to put on Santa on the 24th! It's so fun to watch him making all of these memories. I hope he has memories of Christmastime that are as special as mine.

This year, Christmas Day was just the best. We woke up and flew into the living room to check out what Santa left for us. Nicholas made out like a bandit. He got a really cool chair that's shaped like an egg. He thinks it's a rocket ship - he closes the curtain, has us spin him around as fast as we can without tipping him over, and proceeds to count down, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ignition!" It's hilarious. He also got a really cool Spiderman watch. He's the coolest.

Thanks to a quick snowfall overnight, we were even able to go outside for some sledding on Christmas morning! I know, eat your heart out Norman Rockwell, right? Anyway, the conditions were awesome, and there was just enough snow for my little dude to go flying across the yard at warp speed. So much fun.

The revolving door of family members throughout the day made everything just perfect. Nicholas spent Christmas Day in his stocking feet surrounded by his family, who all think that he walks on water. He had presents piled up to his ears, a beautiful puppy to play with, and lots of love all around. Not bad. I mean, making Christmas perfect for Nicholas - isn't that all that really matters? We get so caught up in who's going where, and what we're eating, and the presents and everything - and in the end, none of it really matters. It took Todd and I 6 long years to get Nicholas- 6 long, hard, emotionally draining years, and I think it has made us cherish our son even more than we would have, had he been handed to us on a silver platter. But this year, with all that has happened right in our backyard, I think we look at him with an even deeper sense of love, and an appreciation for how incredibly lucky we are. He has changed EVERYTHING for us,and we couldn't be happier. He is the most beautiful little person in the world, and we love him so very much.

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful cards, gifts,and well-wishes we have received over the holidays. Family and friends are so special to us. We love you so much! Best wishes for a peaceful 2013.
The Cutlers
1 comment:
You do such a wonderful job on your blog I check it often and am so pleased when I see you have posted. I know CHristmas had to be the best for you. He is a doll for sure> Merry Christmas and many more happy time sin 2013.
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