Whew... what a busy weekend! It started on Friday night when Nicholas had a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house while Mommy and Daddy hit the casino! It was lots of fun for everyone. Then, on Saturday, Nicholas went to see Sesame Street Live at the Bushnell! Apparently it was a big hit. He walked into the theater and said, "Whoa, it's beautiful!" He came home SO excited and saying things like, "Guess what, Mommy! I saw Cookie Monster at the show!" He even brok

e out into a rousing rendition of "C is for Cookie" at the dinner table. So cute.
Today we had a Valentine's D

ay brunch at our house with some friends. The kids had a great time playing together, and ate enough sugary treats to last the week. I planned on taking a group picture of the kids, but somehow getting all of them to sit together and stay still for 20 seconds seemed impossible.
And the big news of the weekend is this - Nicholas slept for the

first time in his big boy race car bed. We are trying it at naptime for now and just transferring the crib mattress back and forth. I don't think it will be long before he's in the bed full time though. He is really liking it. Falling asleep is a little tough, but he'll be used to it in no time I'm sure. It was such a bittersweet moment for me - I was so proud of him for reaching this milestone, but I was sad to think that yet another one of the "baby" things is going away. You should have seen me - the fool taking flash photos of him while he was trying to sleep. Hey... I needed that picture.

He is getting so darned big. I'm pretty sure he's going through a growth spurt right now. He's eating everything in sight and the other day, we were driving to daycare and he said, "Mom

my, my feet hurt." That night, Todd bought him new sneakers a full size bigger than the ones he's been wearing. He's also been saying that his legs hurt and when I ask him where, he grabs the back of his knees. Growing pains I think. Most of his pants are looking like highwaters now. I can't wait for summer and shorts. Honestly, he'll probably still be wearing 2T shorts he's so skinny! Growing growing growing. I wish he'd knock it off.
1 comment:
It won't be long and those legs will be off the end of the race car bed and you will need to buy an extra long twin bed for him. Also enjoy your blog.
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