It is with a very heavy heart that I announce the passing of our beloved dog, Antigua. Man, I just reread that sentence, and I can't even believe I wrote it. Today will surely go down as one of the saddest days of my life. I always knew it would come - it's the day all pet owners dread, but accept as inevitable. If only that lessened the hurt that I feel tonight.
This came as a complete shock to us. He was just fine 24 hours ago. He went to doggie daycare on Wednesday and spent half of his day yesterday running up and down the hall with Nicholas, who was torturing him with a cookie. This morning, however, was a different story. Something was clearly wrong, and by 11:00 this morning, I was scrambling to write
Antigua had such a gentle soul. We used to joke that if the house was ever burglarized, he would help the robber find the box for the DVD player. He was sweet and gentle and loving and loyal and beautiful and a little stupid - everything a good dog should be. He also hated going
I have always referred to Tigua as my first born. Todd and I raised him from a tiny puppy that we brought home on New Year's Eve, 1998. He's been here for every major milestone in our marriage - the good and the bad. He loved all of us unconditionally, and we loved him as a member of this family. He never had a problem when Nicholas came in and stole his thunder. He
Like most dog lovers, I read Marley and Me, and I specifically remember the author dedicating the book to his first dog, to whom all
Oh , I am so very sorry. I know how difficult it is to lose a sweet member of the family and he was just that. Know that he loved the three of you as much as you loved him. I am thinking of you with tears in my heart. Aunt Jill
My heart is breaking for all of you. I know first hand how painful it is to lose your best friend. May the fond memories you have carry you through this difficult time. Hugs my friend.
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