Well... this was definitely a Halloween that we won't soon forget. We are SO lucky because by some miracle...we have electricity! This storm was ridiculous, and it left our yard looking like a bomb had gone off.

We lost several large branches off the trees, and our phone line was hanging in the road. It's still connected though! And we have heat, we have the priviledge of taking a warm shower each morning, and we have a working stove for hot meals. These are things we typically take for granted... but not this week.
We've had lots of company over the past two days, which has actually been lots of fun for us. So tonight... we decided to go all out and throw an impromptu Halloween party. We had 26

people for dinne

r. Everyone brought their costumes and after dinner, all the kids hit the streets. This was Nicholas's first experience with trick-or-treating, so it was really special to share it with so many loved ones. Nicholas did a great job trick-or-treating. I have to say, it was a little emotional for me to see him so bravely walking up to the houses and yelling "Trick or Treat!" I was so proud of my little dude.
As you can see, he was The Cat in the Hat, and Todd and I were Thing 1 and Thing 2. Unfortunately, I think this will be the last year th

at Mom

my and Daddy get to pick the costume theme. He was definitely interested in other kids' costumes this year. He liked the ones with the muscles built in! He said, "I think I'd like to have one of those!" He cracks me up.
He ate lots of junk and had the obligatory post-sugar crash tonight before bed. He's sleeping now... we shant be far

behind! Happy Halloween everyone!
1 comment:
GReat pictures that snow looks like mid winter YIKES. love the costumes and your Mother told me today about all of the company and meals you are doing . You are so lucky to have power. I hope the others get it very soon. this is NOT fun!
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