What a weekend! We have been super busy with some fine fall family fun. Every year we go apple and pumpkin picking with Todd's brother and his family, which is something I always look forward to. We chose the weekend months ago, not realizing that we'd hit the jackpot and choose the best possible weekend weatherwise. The only problem is, everyone else had the same idea - the place was absolutely mobbed! But we weren't about to let the long

lines and crowded conditions dampen our spirits!
We're famous for walking 2 miles into the pumpkin patch and choosing the heaviest pumpkins, forgetting that we have to haul the things all the way back. This year was no exception. On top of our carving pumpkin, I bought 30 pounds worth of sugar pumpkins for Nicholas's birthday party - my hands were numb by the time I got to the checkout!

I think that Nicholas enjoys the apple picking even more than the pumpkin patch. I think

it's because he likes to sample the merchandise. I'm not sure they made any money off of us this year. Everytime I turned around, that boy had another apple shoved in his mouth. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse - at least it's fruit!
Everyone came back to our house for lunch, and each of the kids made their own apple pie. It was so much fun to watch them all roll out the dough and make a total mess! Nicholas made his very own pie, using his play dough rolling pin t

o roll out the crust. (Yes, Mom, I washed it first.) He actually made a really good pie - I was letting the kids use cookie cutters to put a shape on top, and he decided to just jam the heart shaped cookie cutter right into the top of his pie, and it actually came out really nice! And he ate it with a smile.

We ended the day with a late nap and a trip to the Apple Harvest fireworks. We've attempted fireworks before, but he's never been able to make it, on account of it's usually WAY past his bedtime. So, these were officially Nicholas's first fireworks. We gave him his tubby, put him in his jammies, wrapped him in a blanket and loaded him into the "bump bump." (That's Nicholas's codename for the wagon.) I think I spent more time looking at
him than I did the fireworks! It's so amazing watching him experience things for the first time. He was yelling at the top of his lungs "WHOA!!" and "WOW

! RED!" and "POPCORN!" for the ones that make that crackling sound at the end. It was hilarious. He was so loud, we actually had to "shush" him. Yes, fireworks are a hit with the monkey. On the way home he asked, "Can I see them again?"
Today, we went to the fair with my friend Jill and her two kids to ride the rides. Todd and I took him on Friday night, and he couldn't wait to go again. This time, though, I had my camera! He especially loved the motorcycles and the choo choo train. Seeing that big smile coming around the corner, and the wave I got when he went by made me just melt. It's funny how sometimes

the joys of parenthood sneak up on me at the craziest times. Who would've thought putting him on a silly fair ride would make me love him even more. I'm tellin' ya, parenthood his some ride! (pun intended.)
I wonder what we'll do tomorrow? :)