We have been having such a good time getting ready for th

e big day! There's so much to do this time of year, and Nicholas has been having a ball experiencing the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. We cut down our Christmas tree a few weeks ago, and he was a big help. He was squatting down next to Todd and yelling at the top of his lungs, "Cut it, Daddy! Cut it!" It was hilarious. I ha

ve a great video of it, but I can't seem to figure out how to upload a video onto this blog lately - they must have changed something. Nicholas has been surprisingly indifferent to the Christmas tree, which is good I guess. He helped us decorate it,

but hasn't touched an ornament since. Of course, we purposely bought a very sharp blue spruce, which could land you in the emergency room if you grab a branch, so maybe that's why.
Today was the firehouse Christmas party, which was an experience! Nicholas must have walked every inch of that firehouse... ten

times over! And between the chocolate donut, ice cream, cupcake, and lollipop he ate... he was in rare two-year-old-form! The magician made him this HUGE red and white balloon hat, which he wore proudly for the rest of the party. He looked like some

thing straight out of a Dr. Seuss book.
We even got to see Santa ride in on the back of a firetruck, which was just about the coolest thing he'd ever seen. He didn't sit on Santa's lap, but he got close enough for a picture, and even said thank you for his gift. As you can see, though, he wasn't about to take his ey

es of of him. We're having breakfast with Santa tomorrow morning, so hopefully by Christmas Eve, he'll have warmed up enough to actually sit on his lap. Here's hoping..
1 comment:
Very cute! Won't Christmas be a blast at the Cutler house this year
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