What a day! Nicholas and I enjoyed this beautiful fall day and spent lots of time outside. We even carved our pumpkin outside! Nicholas was a great help. He is a GREAT pumpkin carver! Where were those handy pumpkin carving tools when we w

ere kids anyway? I could let him saw away at the pumpkin and never worried about him losing a finger. It was great.
Nicholas dressed up as a lobster for Halloween this year. Throughout the week, we kept having him put his costume on just to get used to it. And he really wasn't crazy about w

earing it so we didn't have high hopes for trick-or-treating. To our surprise, he was great! He kept his costume on the whole time, and LOVED standing in the lobster pot. If only he would've stood still for 2 seconds for us to get some good pictures!

The plan was to come home from our parents' and hit a few houses on our street with our neighbors, but he just didn't make it. He was completely pooped, so a warm tubby and PJ's won out. I swear if his blanket sleepers fit me... I'd be wearing one and sleeping next to him in his crib right now. Halloween is absolutely one of my favorite holidays... it always has been. But honestly, I'm SO glad it only comes once a year.
How adorable!!!!
Love the costumes.
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