I swear... just wh

en I think I've seen it all (and let's face it, in my profession I see a lot of "stuff"), this kid does something that completely cracks me up. And lately, I've been doing my darnedest to focus on Nicholas's silly side. How shall I say this... there's no denying that 2 is right around the corner! Whoooeee, can he test our patience! But then he says a new word, or makes us proud by using the potty, or walks around with h

is hamper on his head, or pulls Todd's socks up to his hips, or just looks at us and says, "Hi, Mommy! Hi, Daddy!" and all of that just melts away.
I think we're all getting settled into our new "back to school" routine. Nicholas is doing well at daycare, my class is looking promising, and Daddy's getting used to being a full-time dad again. The two of them even started swim lessons at the YMCA. Could that possibly be any cuter?! Oh to be a fly on the wall...
So, to sum up... life is good. In fact, life is great.
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