Monday, September 20, 2010

Excuse Me... But Can You Spare a Square?!

Someday, this kid is going to kill me. Yes... I just posted a picture of him on the crapper. And yes... he's reading the newspaper ads. Just another one of the things he does that completely cracks us up lately. I swear, it never ends these days. He is absolutely hilarious.

Every once in a while, I get sad because I don't want him to grow up anymore. I don't want him to change. But everyone always says to me, "Every stage is fun." I think I'm starting to believe that's true. Yes... I miss the baby stage. Sometimes I see a tiny little baby and I want to burst into tears because I know that's over for us. But then he learns a new word or does something new, and I think... now this is my favorite stage. It's crazy.

And as far as the actual potty training goes... he is doing amazingly well for a kid that's not even two. How is it possible that two years ago... he wasn't even here?!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Silly Little Monkey

I swear... just when I think I've seen it all (and let's face it, in my profession I see a lot of "stuff"), this kid does something that completely cracks me up. And lately, I've been doing my darnedest to focus on Nicholas's silly side. How shall I say this... there's no denying that 2 is right around the corner! Whoooeee, can he test our patience! But then he says a new word, or makes us proud by using the potty, or walks around with his hamper on his head, or pulls Todd's socks up to his hips, or just looks at us and says, "Hi, Mommy! Hi, Daddy!" and all of that just melts away.

I think we're all getting settled into our new "back to school" routine. Nicholas is doing well at daycare, my class is looking promising, and Daddy's getting used to being a full-time dad again. The two of them even started swim lessons at the YMCA. Could that possibly be any cuter?! Oh to be a fly on the wall...

So, to sum up... life is good. In fact, life is great.