Nicholas has had a busy week. It's so funny how things change with the seasons. I swear - everything we do and buy is backyard related these days. Todd bought Nicholas some ear protection to wear so he can ride with him on the tractor. At first, he wouldn't even touch them. Now... he can't get enough of them! It's so funny - he puts them on and runs around yelling, "Hi! Hi! Hi!" at the top of his lungs. And yes... this is a picture of him wearing them during breakfast.
And Nicholas's grandma and grandpa bought him a set of construction trucks- complete with hard hat. Check out those feet! Aaaahhh... boys.
And the biggest new of all - we have a new swingset! Everytime Nicholas looks outside, he points at it and says, "Whoah!" He loves it. It makes me a little nervous because it's really high off the ground. My new focus for the summer is avoiding serous head injury. He is really enjoying it, though, and I guess that's all that matters. Counting the days 'till summer - 3 1/2 to go. I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...
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