Monday, April 5, 2010


Well... I knew it had been a while since my last post, but then I saw the picture of the snow in my last post - I guess I didn't know it had been THAT long!! Oooops!

The monkey is doing great - getting smarte
r and cuter every day. He's talking up a storm and very active - as usual. This kid will not stay still - I honestly don't know how he stays standing sometimes. He loves being outside. He's been taking lots of rides on the back of his dad's bike - and loves it. He looks so sweet in his little bike helmet! Now... if only we had a lawn...

r was great - he had a great time running around gathering eggs - aside from one little issue...I'll let you see for yourself - so hilarious!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thank goodness I have been waiting for new pictures. You have to feed that monkey more so his pants don't fall off. He is so cute.