OK, so... it's possible that only people of my generation will remember the commercial that inspired the title of this post, but I couldn't help myself.
We had an extremely busy Easter weekend, which included Nicholas's very first Easter egg hunt (which unfortunately took place
in the rain), a visit with the Easter bunny, and lots of family time. Check out the teddy
bear made entirely out of Papa's old ties! What a special gift.
All is going well in Nicholas's world. He is growing so fast, and changing and learning every day. He is now rolling over, which is pretty exciting. He's also finding his voice, and trying out some new s
ounds, including a high pitched squeal that could bust any eardrum within a mile radius. We're looking forward to his doctor's appointment next week so we can find out his official height and weight. He is getting so HEAVY! I've started back at the chiropractor recently because of it.
Thanks for all the cards, gifts, and Happy Easter wishes. Nicholas is such a lucky kid!
My goodness has he grown . I hope he didn't eat to many chocolate bunnies.
Nana loved making the teddy bear for Nicholas from Papa's ties. And the Easter Bunny loved holding Nicholas Alan on his first Easter! What fun!!
Love, Nana and Papa
For a trip down memory lane, here is the link to the 1984 M&Ms commercial that contains this FAMOUS quote! Enjoy!
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