Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is Four Months Old Too Young For A Tooth?

Hello all! Sorry it's been such a long time since our last post, but we've been very busy. You know, with all the things that little guys do: sleeping, pooping, cooing, taking a tubby, oh... and drooling and crying. Which leads me to this: Could Nicholas possibly be getting a tooth already? Good Lord, I have seen less drool on a Basset Hound! Today, he actually soaked the front of his shirt with it. He's also been gnawing on his hands like crazy, and seems more cranky than usual. I will say this - a tooth could make breastfeeding interesting! Who knows... we'll keep you posted.

The sleeping has been going very well. He is sleeping through the night pretty consistently, which has been great, and taking naps in his crib during the day. He is really getting onto a schedule now. The tough part for Todd and I, however, is that we're getting ready to put him into the crib at night. The thought of him all alone in another room is a little tough for us to swallow, but I guess we'll have to suck it up eventually. Just not tonight...

The other news is, and you may have heard me mention it in the video above, Nicholas is officially going bald! About a week ago, his hair started falling out. I think he looks frighteningly like Jack Nicholson myself. But, I'm guessing that by the end of this, he'll look even more like his Daddy. Another Todd? Lord, help us.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Very cute. He is going to be a talker or singer I am not sure which one. Love the update he sure is growing can't wait to see him in Highland lake