Well... the August funk has definitely set in. If I listen closely I can actually hear time ticking away in my head. Another summer coming to an end. What is it about summer? Why does is create this extreme reaction inside of me every year? I dream of it all winter long, I spend every spring counting the days until it gets here, I bask in all of it's glory and try to cram in as much "stuff" as possible while it's here, and then I become an emotional basket case when I feel it coming to an end. Good grief, I sure seem to live a life that revolves around summer vacation. Perhaps it is because I have such fond memories of my own childhood and the endless summers I spent with my sister swimming in the pool while my parents dug and scratched away in the garden. I swear I saw more of their butts than I did their faces for most of the 1980's! Anyway, whatever the reason, summer is special, and I hate to see it go. In fact, as I write this, the tears are already beginning to flow.
The summer of 2012 has been amazing. As Nicholas gets older, I am enjoying spending time with him more and more because there is much more of a true relationship forming between us. He is so incredibly expressive and hilarious and stubborn and honest and precious. And in the summer, when I get to spend day after day with him, without all of the hustle and bustle and running around and stress that accompanies my personality during the school year, I can really appreciate him and become closer to him. I am so amazed by him and awed by how he is growing and changing and figuring out the world. It is such an overwhelming experience - raising a child. And he's only 3! I can only imagine what the
next three years will bring, or the
next three! I try not to...
OK, enough of my rambling. I know what all of you really come on this blog for - pictures! So, since I have blown off the blog all summer, I figure I'll just do it all at once. Enjoy!

Nicholas and I got to spend some time together in Maine at the beginning of the summer. It was so great - as it always is of course. The weather was perfect and he had a great time at the lake. Papa pulled us in the tube for the first time. He LOVED it and was yelling "Woo hoo!" at the top of his lungs the whole time. Until... the wind blew his hat into the water. I believe he had a flashback to last year, when his hat flew off and sank before we could retrieve it. This time, we were able to rescue the hat thanks to Nana and an oar, but after that, somehow the tube lost it's luster. We are trying to carve out another trip before school begins. My fingers are crossed that we will get at least one last blast of summer in Maine.
Christmas In July

This year, Christmas in July was in Old Saybrook at Auntie Barb's beach house. It was such a good time, and great to see everyone again. Nicholas and Susanna never left each other's sides all weekend and had a blast looking for treasures in the ocean. They found countless crabs and hermit crabs and other goodies crawling under the docks. It really was like Christmas all over again - Nicholas received so many special gits from his family. What a lucky kid.
Cape Cod

This year we went back to Cape Cod for another week of fun in the sun! Unfortunately there wasn't as much sun as there was last year, but we still got to the beach almost every day. This year, we were joined by the Giuffridas, so Nicholas had someone to play with all day and night - his cousin Jenna. And boy did they play! It was so nice to see the kids together, learning the valuable lessons that all only children struggle with. Sharing toys was certainly an issue for Nicholas, but I think what was harder for him was sharing the spotlight! I think he is so used to being the center of the universe, it was a challenge for him to share his position. Let's just say that he spent a few minutes in time out over the week, but overall it was a wonderful vacation, and lots of great memories were made for sure.
Story Land

This past week, we went to NH to visit Story Land with the Cutler family. The drive was really long, and Nicholas was not likin' that so much! However, he LOVED Story Land! And what's not to love? That place is so stinkin' cute, it's worth every minute of that drive. He had such a great time riding the rides and seeing all the sights. It was pretty hot, so on both days we were there, he spent some time on the splash mat - and got completely soaked. He was smiling and giggling and chasing the spouts of water all over the place. His favorite ride was Dr. Geyser's Remarkable Raft Ride- I think because he walked off completely soaked! He rode his first roller coaster with his Grandpa too. they even got the front seat! We were standing outside waiting for them to head up the hill, and when they did, my little monkey's voice could be heard for miles! "Wooooo hoooooo!"
After scouring Mom and Dad's old photo albums, I found a picture of myself from 1977. I am milking the cow at Story Land, same age as Nicholas. I will definitely be putting them side-by-side in a frame soon.
Favorite Quotes
I'm pretty sure I did this last year too. I've been keeping a list of some of the funny things that Nicholas has come out with this summer. Most times, Todd and I just look at each other and shake our heads. And other times, we ask, "Did he just really say that?" He is really too much sometimes.
- "Are you insane?"
- "Don't worry, Mom. I can handle it."
- "You're stressing me out!"
- "Ooooh! I just tooted! I'm tootin' up a storm!"
- "Grrrrrr! I'm so frustrated at you!"
- "No, Mom. I will show you the proper way to do it."
- (Move over, Nicholas. Make room for Mom.) "Yeah, and you're a big 'ol Mom!"
- "Aaaaaaahh. Refreshing. I want to drink the air and eat the clouds."
Yup. My boy is a talker... I wonder where he gets that from??? Peace and love to all!
-The Cutlers