The countdown is on! Summer vacation is getting so close I can feel it, and I cannot wait. I am struggling terribly with being away from Nicholas and I'm looking forward to summer more than ever. I can't help but notice that his childhood is moving at the speed of light, and sometimes being a working mom makes me feel like I'm missing everything. Thank God for summer.

I'm noticing that since I entered the world of "smart phones," I am using my camera less and less, so I'm short on pictures here. I think the most notable thing I've captured in these pictures, however are his ENORMOUS legs! Look at those suckers! I swear the kid grows an inch every week. I'm already wondering how we'll pay for groceries when this kid is in high school. He's practically eating us out of house and home as it is. (Not that he has any meat on those bones. I can still count his ribs - front and back.)

Nicholas has been a very busy little boy lately. He's been playing tee ball on Saturdays, which has been an adventure for all of us. He loves to hit the ball and run the bases, but fielding?? Let's just say that it's not his favorite part. He looks darned cute in that huge helmet though!
We've been to the beach a couple of times this spring. We went on Mother's Day. I can't think of a better way to spend it - at the beach with my little monkey. It was the best. He dug in the sand and splashed in the water all day.

And we finally made our first trip to Maine this weekend. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and Nicholas was such a good boy. He drove the boat and fished with his dad. It was a great family weekend. The mosquitos were out in full force, and Nicholas was loving his citronella bug bands, which he called "my bug wrists." As you can see here, he had them on every limb, and sometimes, around his head. He escaped the weekend with only 2 bug bites - not bad! Now... bring on the summer!!!!!!!