Well... it's December 26th. Does anyone else out there think that December 26th is one of the strangest days of the year? I mean, for the past month, I've barely had time to go to the bathroom! We're all running around like crazy people trying to get the shopping done, decorating the house, planning the meals, wrapping the gifts, etc. etc. etc. And now... it's done! And I'm left wondering, where did the last month go?!

Nicholas had an extremely busy but wonderful Christmas. We spent a lot of time with family, and Santa was VERY good to him. He got a very cool ride-on fire truck complete with flashing lights, siren, and working CB radio. And, of course, the one thing he asked Santa for - walkie talkies. I think this year he was a little overwhelmed by the presents, so he had some trouble focusing on what he got. You know the scene in A Christmas Story when the kids get the socks and they literally toss them over their heads and dive under the tree for the next gift? That's pretty much what it looked like - no matter what the gift was. I guess this is just another charming aspect of three-year-old behavior. Yeeesh. Tomorrow is our first day with no plans, so it will be nice for him to have some time at home to play with all of his new goodies.

As usual, the holidays for me bring extreme emotion. (Although these days, I get emotional when the wind blows just right...) Every night, after we read a story, Nicholas and I sit in his rocking chair in his room, in the dark. It only lasts a few minutes, but it's one of my favorite times of the day. We usually review all of the things we did that day, and talk about our plans for the next day. On Christmas night, I sat in the dark with this beautiful bo

y on my lap and I just started crying. I found myself closing my eyes, burying my face in his fuzzy little head and whispering, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He is the most wonderful gift, and I feel so lucky to have him. Sometimes I get so frazzled or frustrated or overwhelmed by life that I forget to say thank you to whoever was in charge of getting him here (and let's face it... it took a lot of people!)
I keep hearing Charlie Brown crying

out, "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!" Well... I think I do. For me, it's about family. It's about believing in something bigger than myself. It's about believing in magic and miracles and all that "stuff" that seems so silly at any other time of year except Christmastime. So, here's to all of the miracles in life - the big and the small. And to all of my family - God-given or chosen. Merry Christmas, and may we all have a happy and prosperous 2012.