We have been very busy enjoying the winter weather lately. Is it me, or are you starting to question this whole global warming thing? For the past 10 years, I feel like that pink line on the weather maps has constantly been drawn through CT - "Wintry Mix" was all we got. But this winter, it's been snowstorm after snowstorm - and it's been the white fluffy stuff too! Weird.
We're certainly not complaining, though. Nicholas LOVES the snow. He can get his snowpants and boots on all by himself now, and he's all about trudging around in the snow. He looks s
Nicholas continues to crack us up every day, and also drive us absolutely crazy with his two-year-old antics. Transitions have been fun lately. Last week, I left a birthday party with him tucked under my arm like a football and his snowboots in a bag because he refused to put them on. He was arching his back and screaming and nearly landed in a snowbank on the way to the car. Very charming and not at all embarrassing...
Todd and I have been busy trying to put the finishing touches on this house. It's been technically done for almost a year, but we've been a little lax on the decorating front. We FINALLY got Nicholas's room d