Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

What a difference a year makes! Last year at Thanksgiving, all Nicholas did was sleep! This year, he was running all over the place, and even had a real turkey dinner. What a great day we had. We started off on the DeBisschop side, and finished the day on the Cutler side. He saw SO many relatives in one day! It was so much fun watching him warm up to everyone. He is so shy lately when he first sees people. By the end of the afternoon, though, people got to see the real Nicholas - screeching at the dinner table and all!

He looked so darned cute in his sweater and little dress shoes! We certainly have much to be thankful for this year.

Oh, by the way... Nicholas's new favorite thing is dancing. My parents have these dancing flowers at their house, and he can't get enough of them! He is just too funny...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our Little Genius

It's official. the boy is a genius! I swear he understands everything we say. For instance, tonight I was on the phone with Todd and he was telling me about how he and Nicholas were dancing today. So I said to Nicholas, "Do you love to dance?" And he started dancing right there in the kitchen! Then, he walked into the living room and pointed to the iPod. It totally freaked me out! Oh, and by the way, this kid has the moves! He does this sort of disco move where he puts both pointer fingers in the air and bounces up and down. It's so funny. I have to get it on video.

So, all of this growing up business is making me so emotional lately. I need to know if anyone out there knows how to make him stop! I want him to stay like this forever, and never to grow up. I swear he's perfect just like this, and I'd be happy if he'd stay like this forever. Any ideas?

Anyway, since I just posted the other day, I don't have any new pictures to post. So instead, here are some oldies but goodies. As if I wasn't emotional enough...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Greetings From the Mud Pit

Lots of progress is being made here - it's looking like we are finally in the home stretch. The bummer of it is, most of the work being done right now is stuff you can't see. Lots of plumbing and electrical work, and heating and air conditioning - important, but not very fun to look at.

The one thing that we can see though is the siding, and it looks great. It reminds me of my Nan and Pop's house in Milldale. I think of that every time I look at it. I love the color.

Next step - insulation and sheetrock. Then it should really feel like it's almost done. We're even thinking about flooring and paint colors! Hard to believe that we'll be in by Christmas. We are so anxious to start living in these new rooms. But most of all, we're anxious to be settled.

Nicholas is doing great. He's walking all over the place now, and trying really hard to communicate. He points to everything and "talks." It seems most everything is a kitty, but we can live with that. He's so darned cute...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This is so embarassing!

So, I had to post a formal apology to everyone who gave Nicholas a birthday gift because you STILL haven't gotten a thank you note. Of course, I wanted to get fancy with them, so I ordered them online over 2 weeks ago - basically right after the party. And they have STILL not arrived. I'm thinking they may be a lost cause. Anyway, I feel awful about it, and plan on working on Plan B this week. Conferences are next week at school, though, and I am buried in report cards. Can't anything ever be easy????

The monkey is doing great. Here's another Halloween picture!