Nicholas's second Halloween was definitely more exciting than his first! (Mostly because he didn't sleep through the whole thing this year.) He was dressed as a parrot, and Todd was a pirate, so he carried Nicholas on his shoulder. They looked absolutely adorable!
We went trick-or-treating at Nicholas's grandparents' houses, Auntie Gail's, where he met up with his cousins Jenna and Jacob, and his neighbor's house, aka "Little G's" house. Although he didn't eat any candy, he had fun playing with it while it was still in the wrapper.
We tried to keep him up late tonight to make up for the time change, but he didn't make it very long! He was one pooped pup. Hopefully we won't be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning.
I say this every year at school when I'm changing the decorations in my classroom. I can't believe it's time to say it already! "Goodbye pumpkins and hello turkeys!" Thanksgivin