Thursday, June 25, 2009
Computer Disaster!
The word is that we will be without the computer for about 3 weeks. (Gasp!) So, I may not be able to do much blogging during that time, at least not with any pictures, and really... that's the best part. We do have a beautiful 8 month picture to post, but I guess it will have to wait.
All is well with the little guy. We are all sick and tired of the rain and are looking forward to some real summertime weather soon.
Keep your fingers crossed for a speedy and inexpensive remedy to our computer disaster!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Lots of Changes

Monday, June 8, 2009
My Busy Weekend

The most exciting part, though, was that my cousins Sue and Doug were in the hospital getting ready to have their little one the day of the picnic! Jacob James DeBisschop was born Sunday morning, just after midnight. We can't wait to see him at next year's picnic!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Our Little Guy is Growing Up!
It's so amazing how quickly this kid is growing and changing. I feel like he's learning to do something new every day! And that includes sitting up on his own. Of course, he hasn't mastered protecting his head when he falls, but Rome wasn't built in a day afterall. He's also spending much more time on his tummy, which is a relief because he absolutely hated it a few months ago! He's even rolling onto his stomach to sleep at times.

We've been having a great time enjoying the spring weather, and even had a playdate will Jenna this week. The two of them swinging on the swings was hilarious! It's so fun getting the kids together now because they're finally starting to notice and pay attention to one another. I can't wait to see them actually playing together sometime soon.
Nicholas's favorite new thing is his walker. He can tool around the kitchen like a pro now. Unfortunately for us though, that thing is a killer on bare toes when he runs you over! Youch! Check him out for yourself!!