Nicholas officially turned four months old on February 18th. It's so hard to believe that he's the same 5 pound preemie that he was such a short time ago. Time is flying by...
The 4 month chapter in our "What To Expect" book begins by saying that we have entered "the golden age of babyhood." Well... Todd and I would beg to differ! Up to this point, Nicholas has really been an easy baby. For some reason, however, over the past few weeks, let's just say that the little man has found his voice, and likes to use it often! We think he's getting a tooth, and he's been hungrier lately as well - eating about every two and a half hours during the day. He's also been very stubborn about falling asleep at night. Oh well, the honeymoon couldn't last forever! All of that said, we are still thankfully getting our fair share of smiles, giggles, and cooing, especially in the morning. There's no denying it... the kid is cute!
A lot of changes are happening lately too. We went to the doctor the other day, and Nicholas weighs 14lbs. 13 oz and is 24 and 7/8 inches long. Dr. Friedman agrees that he's probably teething, but it could be months before we actually see a tooth. And, because he is sleeping through the night and seems hungrier during the day, we have started eating solid foods! So far, we have tried rice cereal and bananas, and he loves it! He eats off of a spoon like a big guy, and is doing great - no stomach issues to speak of.
Nicholas is finally sleeping in his crib at night. It wasn't easy to give him up, but we finally did it, and there were only a few tears. (Mom's... not Nicholas's.) And, he's now spending the entire day off of the back of his head too. He's got a major flat spot in back that we have to take care of, so he's spending all of his time in either his Bumbo chair, the exersaucer, or on his tummy. It's a little tough, but it should be worth it, though. Let's face it - this kid has absolutely no chance of keeping a head of hair past the age of 20, so he should at least have a nice round head, don't you think?