Well... the si

ding is finally done! You know that page in Highlights Magazine that says "What's Wrong With This Picture?" I must admit, I can't help but think of this when I look at this picture. It's not exactly what we were planning, but we love it anyway. We are still waiting on shutters, which are on order, but the front of the house, where the door and new window are, was supposed to be all stone. Apparently, it can't be applied in cold weather, so we would have had to wait until spring. Yeah... there was no way that was happening. If I had to look at that Tyvek wrap for one more day, I was going to lose my mind as it was! So... hopefully someday down the road, we will conquer that project. I think it would look great, but for now... we're very happy with our new house! Insulation is in, and sheet rock is planned for the end of the week. I was really hoping to be in for Christmas, but unfortunately

that's probably not going to happen. Oh well... what's another couple of weeks?! This is certainly a lesson in patience!
All is well in Nicholasland, although today was a tougher day than most. He was SO cranky and difficult to please today. Todd and I are exhausted. We actually had the discussion of "when can we start time out?" tonight. Seriously, how do you stop a 1-year-old from having a temper tantrum? Right now - it's all about the power of distraction.
We are having fun g

etting ready for the holidays, although it would be nice to find some time to decorate the house a little more! Hopefully we'll get our tree sometime this week. Man, that puppy will have to be nailed down, tied up, and wired to the walls! He's into everything these days! He is loving my dad's Santa collection, too. We're not so sure the real thing will go over very well, though. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
Nicholas had his first real cookie this week - Arrowroot. He LOVES them! (Duh... thery're cookies for goodness sake!) I swear he gets cuter every day!