It's been a few days since the last update so here is the latest.
First we would like to thank everyone for their generosity. The gifts we have received from the shower and others have been amazing! We have had such a great time going through everything, and look forward to watching little Nicholas enjoy all of his "goodies!" He is such a lucky guy to have such special people in his life that love him as much as you all do.
Second, Nicholas had a checkup with the doctor this morning. He is now 20 inches long and up to 6lb 3oz! That's a 12oz jump since last week. Not a big
surprise considering how much the little chow hound eats now. We consider ourselves lucky if we make it a full 2 hours between feedings. So... needless to say, the sleep deprivation phase of parenthood is kicking in big time!
Nicholas is really coming into his own now. He is making deliberate movements and playing with some toys, and we can tell his eyes are able to better focus on things. We also went for our first walk in the stroller today - something we didn't think we'd be able to do until spring, considering his expected December arrival!
That's it for now. I don't have any new pictures right now to put up. I do have a video that I need to downsize. I'll get that up as soon as I can. So, keep checking. More to come.
Kris & Todd