Look at the little man! This is him in his car seat leaving the hospital. He's got some room to grow into!
Our first night home presented some challenges for all of us. He was getting to know the place and feel things out while being uncomfortable from one of the most disturbing procedures he will every have. I can't even discuss it with out shivering.......... None of us slept very well last night is what I'm getting at.
Today has been a different story. We've all sort of found our way and place in the family. Seems to have settled down nicely. Even the animals are figuring things out fairly well. Nicholas had h
is first pediatrician visit today. Somehow I was the one who ended up getting a shot from the doctor. It's almost flu season! Dr. Friedman said he is doing well, just wants to see him pack on the lbs. If he keeps up the pace he's at it feels like he'll be eating a 1/2 gallon of milk in a feeding. Only other concern with him is the Jaundice. He's still got a touch of it so we're going to keep an eye on that over the next week.
He is really the most well behaved baby. We couldn't have asked for anything better. We're hoping it stays that way. It has been nice just having the 3 of us here today. Everyone is relaxed and getting to know each other. We're working on a routine still, but we're getting there.
If anyone wants to come visit just give us a call. A couple of ground rules before coming: If you have the slightest sniffle, cough, or twitch of any type of sickness, please hold off. This little guy would be devastated if he got sick right now. He would end up in the hospital again. There will be plenty of time to get to know him when he gets to be a little bigger and stronger. Waiting a few days would be the best for everyone. You will be put through a thorough decontamination upon arrival! I don't want to scare you, but you will have to get naked at the door.
It's time for a feeding so I'm off. Hope everyone is well.